
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Forever21 MANIA!!!!

So, wow. Haven't posted in a long while. I've been super busy, and I guess haven't had much of anything of interest to anyone else to chat about. Until this past weekend that is.  We FINALLY got a Forever21 in Columbia. It's about time! They had a soft opening on Friday, and had the grand opening Saturday. The mall opens at 10am, so I figured I would stop by around then to avoid some of the Saturday-shopping crowds.

Oh. My. Lord.

I popped in around 10:40, and NEVER in my life have I seen a crowd like this in a store. To say that it was packed would be the understatement of the century. Our local hits radio station had a table set up in one corner, a DJ cranking out super loud dance hits was in another corner, 147 employees were running around like crazies, mall cops and other independent security guards were roaming around. This place was a mad house. I waited in line to try clothes on for about an hour and a half and waited in line to check out for about an hour and 45 minutes.

Why did I do that? I was there 4.5 hours. I got some good stuff, but dang, not that good! Needless to say my back was killing me and I was starving at the end of that trip.  After saying all that, it was kinda fun scrounging for cute things and milling about with all the other people who were also excited about finally having a F21 in the area!

This weekend was a great one to say in the least! Friday I went out with the girls. Saturday I of course shopped at F21, went to my old dance studio's end of the year recital and went out with a bunch of old friends that were in town, and today I spent the entire day out on the lake with friends! So much fun! Can't wait for a wedding weekend in Clemson for Memorial day in just 5 days! :)

Hope everyone has a fabulous week! ta ta

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